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Welcome to Hoosier Powersports in St Leon, IN
The TriState's largest HISUN Sales and Service Center!
EXCITING NEWS!!! Since our Powersports sales have taken off and overshadowed our auto sales we figured it only fitting that our name match what we are doing. We will still offer auto and truck sales when available but our main focus will be our UTV/ATV sales. Hoosier Auto Sales & More is now Hoosier Powersports. New name, but same great people and service.
For years, HISUN Motors Corporation has provided quality and revolutionary all-terrain vehicles. We have proudly become one of the top selling dealers in the country for HISUN Motors! With our growth, we have found the need to expand the ATV's that we have to offer. Tao Motor is a well-known brand in the domestic and overseas markets, with a reputation for producing quality vehicles at family-affordable prices.
Our knowledgeable sales representatives are committed to providing you with a "no-pressure" buying experience. We want to make sure you find the HISUN, Tao Tao or vehicle that meets your needs and fits your budget.
CALL TODAY (812) 576-2181
We also specialize in financing with great rates. Stop by our dealership to test drive one of our vehicles.
Proudly serving St Leon, Lawrenceburg, Batesville, Brookville, Aurora, Guilford, Bright, Hidden Valley, Sunman, West Harrison, Logan, Mt Carmel, Harrison OH, Greater Cincinnati area, and Northern KY area.